Plants like Bt corn and Bt rice are resistant to-
Which variety of rice was patented by a U.S. company even though the highest number of varieties of this rice is found in India ?
Nematode-specific genes were introduced into the host plant using:
The protein produced by some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis can kill all of the following except
Golden rice is rice variety developed by using rDNA technology. It is Genetically modified rice with the following quality.
Silencing of mRNA has been used in producing transgenic plants resistant to
Golden rice is
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for designing novel
CryIIAb and cryIAb produce toxins that control
Match column I with column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II A. Rhizobium i. Production of human insulin B. Bacillus thuringiensis ii. Production of Bt toxin C. Escherichia coli iii. Scavenging of oil spills D. Pseudomonas putida iv. Nif gene A B C D 1. i ii iii iv 2. ii i iv iii 3. iv ii i iii 4. iv i ii iii
Chemical nature of Bt toxin is
Cotton bollworms are controlled by the genes-
Golden rice is enriched with:
RNA interference (RNAi) takes place in which of the following organisms?
A transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries is
Select the incorrect match.
Which body of the Government of India regulates GM research and safety of introducing GM organisms for public services?
RNA interference involves
To control cotton boll worm, the following genes of Bt are selected.
This is not the critical area of research in biotechnology.
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) doesn’t deal with issues related to
The spores of bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis are used as
Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding genetic modification of crops?
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to Bt toxin?
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
The cry gene is obtained from
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
The RNA interference technique is used successfully to control the nematode
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to Bt cotton plant?
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate options. (i) A are produced by the hybridoma technique. (ii) Potential pathogens for bioweapons are B . (iii) C is removed during the processing of proinsulin to insulin. (iv) D was the first mammal to be cloned. (v) The exploitation of bio-resources without proper authorisation is called E . A B C D E 1. Bt cotton Vibrio cholera Peptide Tracy bioethics 2. Bt cotton Yersinia pestis Peptide Dolly biopiracy 3. Monoclonal antibody Bacillus anthracis Peptide Dolly biopiracy 4. Monoclonal antibody Bacillus anthracis Peptide Tracy bioethics
Crystals of Bt toxin produced by some bacteria do not kill the bacteria themselves because :
Read the following statements regarding the three critical research areas of biotechnology. A: Providing the best catalyst in the form of improved organism usually a microbe or pure enzyme. B: Creating optimal conditions through engineering for a catalyst to act. C: Downstream processing technologies to purify the genetically modified organism. Identify the correct statements.
Bt tomato and Bt potato are-
Food production can be increased by- I- Agro-chemical based agriculture II- Organic agriculture III- Genetically engineered crop-based agriculture
Choose the incorrect statement.
GEAC stands for
The use of bioresources by multinational companies and other organizations without proper authorisation from the countries and people concerned without compensatory payment is called
Which of the following statement is correct about Bt toxin ?
Which one of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Genetic Engineering Approval committee (GEAC) ? (i) It will make decision regarding the validity of GM research. (ii) It will make the safety of introducing GM- organism for public services. (iii) Its genetic modification of organism can have unpredictable results when such organisms are introduced into the ecosystem. Therefore, the Indian government has set up organisation such as GEAC.
Statement A : Blood clotting is prevented by hirudin protein. Statement B : The gene encoding for the hirudin protein is transferred into Brassica napus , where accumulation of hirudin occurs in the seeds.
Statement A : The GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee) has been set up by the Indian Government. Statement B : Introduction of GMO could have unpredictable result in the ecosystem.
Match the items given in column – I with those in column – II and choose the correct option. Column – I Column – II A. GMO I. Increased shelf life B. Flavr – Savr tomato II. Bioresources C. Biopiracy III. rDNA D. E.coli IV. Insulin A B C D 1. III I II IV 2. II I III IV 3. II III I IV 4. IV I II III
Biotechnology deals with industrial scale production of biopharmaceuticals and biological products using genetically modified a. microbes b. fungi c. plants and animals
The RNAi stands for
Meloidegyne incognitia infecting the roots of tobacco plants is a/an
India has a rich diversity of rice. It is estimated to be:
The organization responsible for make decisions regarding the safety of introducing GMOs for public services:
Use of bio-resources by multinational companies without proper authorization is:
How many documented varieties of Basmati rice are grown in India?
An American company got patent rights on which of the following crop through the US Patent and Trademark Office?
Genetically modified organisms are produced by manipulation in
In B. thuringiensis , Bt toxins are produced-
The use of bio-resources by multinational companies and other organisations without proper authorisation from the concerned countries and people and without compensatory payment is called:
How many documented varieties of Basmati are grown in India?
Meloidegyne incognita is a
According to the latest estimates, how many documented varieties of basmati rice are grown in India?
In Bt cotton, the Bt to xin present in plant tissue as protoxin is converted into active toxin due to
The crops engineered for glyphosate are resistant/tolerant to
Golden rice is a genetically modified crop plant where the incorporated gene is meant for biosynthesis of
Which part of the tobacco plant is infected by Meloidogyne incognita ?
In India, the organisation responsible for assessing the safety of introducing genetically modified organisms for public use is
A ‘new’ variety of rice was patented by a foreign company,though such varieties have been present in India for a long time. This is related to
Use of bioresources by multinational companies and organisations without authorisation from the concerned country and its people is called
What triggers activation of protoxin to active toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in boll worm?
Which of the following is true for Golden rice?
GEAC stands for
The choice of selecting cry gene is dependent upon the I. Crop species II. Targeted insect pests III. Bacterial species
Corn borer is controlled by selecting the following gene in developing GM corn.
Meloidegyne incognitia causes
Choose the incorrect statement with respect to development of pest resistant tobacco plant.
By applying the novel strategy RNA interference, the following is developed which is beneficial to agriculture
Match the organism with its use in biotechnology: Column I Column II (a) Bacillus thuringiensis (i) Cloning vector (b) Thermus aquaticus (ii) Construction of first rDNA molecule (c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (iii) DNA polymerase (d) Salmonella typhimurium (iv) Cry protein Select the correct option from the following:
Bt cotton variety that was developed by the introduction of toxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is resistant to :
Golden rice is developed by incorporating the genes of the following organisms into rice by genetic engineering. A. Erwinia B. Narcissus C. Naustortium D. Elodea
The laws and rules to prevent unauthorised exploitation of bio-resources are termed as
RNA interference is used for which of the following purposes in the field of biotechnology?
Exploitation of bioresources of a nation by multinational companies without authorization from the concerned country is referred to as-
In RNAi, the genes are silenced using:
A genetically engineered bacterium first used for cleaning the oil spills, was a species of:
What is the meaning of Bt in Bt cotton ?
Bt toxin becomes active at the following pH
Which of the following Bt crops is being grown in India by the farmers?
Bt gene has information for the formation of
RNAi takes place in all eukaryotic organisms as a method of:
Which of the following is true for Flavr-Savr tomato?
An American company illegally got patent on variety of which crop?
Biopiracy is
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
Cry endotoxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are effective against
In RNA interference (RNAi), genes are silenced using
The strategy applied in developing resistance to Meloidegyne in tobacco plants is
In Bacillus thuringiensis, the bacteria itself is not killed by the toxic protein crystals because it is
Which of the following statements are correct regarding the process of RNA interference? (i) RNAi has been used to prevent nematode infestation of tobacco plants. (ii) RNAi takes place in all eukaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defence. (iii) The method involves silencing of specific nRNA using complementary dsDNA molecule that binds and prevents translation of mRNA. (iv) Using retrovirus vectors, nematode-specific genes were introduced into the host plant.
The toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is activated by
Which of the following is true with respect to Bt toxin?
The genetically engineered rice with genes associated with synthesis of carotene was developed by
The father of Green Revolution is
Biopiracy means:
GEAC stands for
The Indian parliament has recently cleared the second amendment of the Bill, which takes issues such as patent terms, emergency provisions, and research and development initiative.
GEAC makes decisions a. regarding validity of GM research b. regarding safety of introducing GM organisms for public services c. for creating GM foods addressing their safety concerns
Which of the following is incorrect ?
The technique that involves formation of double stranded RNA in cell, further inhibiting the translation of pathogen specific mRNA is:
Food production can be increased by a. agro-chemical based agriculture b. organic agriculture c. genetically engineered based agriculture
The following are the advantages of GM crops, except
Bt toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis does not kill the bacteria itself because:
Bt -toxin is insecticidal because
Bt -toxin is obtained from
In which of the processes is both the DNA strands transcribed?
The abbreviation ‘B’ in Bt -toxin stands for
How many varieties of rice have been estimated to be present in India?
Silencing of a gene could be achieved through the use of
The objective of applying the process of RNAi is (with respect to root knot of tobacco)
Which country company got patent rights on a variety of basmati rice in the year 1997.
Cultivation of the following crops can minimize the usage of chemical pesticides.
Which of the following vector is used to introduce nematode specific genes into the host plant?
Match column I with column II Column I Column II (a) Golden rice (i) Control the cotton bollworms (b) cryIAc (ii) Organisation which will make decisions regarding the validity of GM research and the safety of introducing GM-organisms for public services. (c) Meloidegyne incognitia (iii) Vitamin A enriched (d) GEAC (iv) Infects the roots of tobacco plants
Genetically modified (GM) plants have been useful in-
Meloidogyne incognita which causes infection in roots of tobacco plant is a-
Which part of the tobacco plant is infected by Meloidogyne incognita ?
Bt toxin protein exist as inactive protoxins but get converted into an active form of toxin in the-
Which of the following gene isolated from Bacillus thurigiensis has been known to control the insect population of cotton bollworm?
In order to protect cotton plants from insect infection, mode of action of Bt toxin is:
Which of the following is not an advantage of genetic modifications in plants?
In order to prevent early exhaustion of fertility of soil, farmers should
Bt toxin is produced from
Choose the incorrect match.
Inactive Bt toxins are converted into active form inside the
The activated Bt toxin inside insect’s gut, binds to the surface of
Corn borers are controlled by the gene:
How many documented varieties of Basmati are grown in India?
Choose the correct statement
Identify the gene that encodes for protein which controls corn borer.
How many varieties of rice has been estimated to be present in India?
Which step of Government of India has taken to cater requirement of patent terms and other emergency provisions in this regard ?
Which of the following is a correct statement?
Which of the following statements is correct ? a. The current interest in the manipulation of microbes, plants and animals has raised serious ethical issues. b. One possible risk of genetic engineering is the accidental production of dangerously resistant microorganisms. c. Although risks are possible, genetic engineering appears to offer more of contribution to human welfare than threats.
Which of the following statements (i – v) is/are incorrect ? (i) Recombinant DNA technology is used to improve crop plants by increasing their productivity, by making them more nutritious and by developing disease resistant. (ii) Bt cotton is resistant to bollworm infestation. (iii) Bacillus thuringiensis can form cry protein during any phase of their growth. (iv) Bacillus thuringiensis is not harmed by self cry protein because of its occurrence as protoxin (inactive). (v) Protoxin cry protein is changed into active cry protein in the stomach of insects due to alkaline pH in stomach.
Statement A : Flavr Savr tomato is transgenic tomato that is capable of remaining fresh and retaining the flavour for a longer time. Statement B : In this, production of pectin degrading polygalactouronase is blocked.
Which of the following Bt crops is being grown in India by the farmers?
Main objective of production/use of herbicide resistant GM crops is to
Bt toxin is
Cry II Ab and cry I Ac produce toxins that control
RNA interference involves
Nematode infection in the roots of tobacco plants can be prevented using
RNA interference involves silencing of a specific mRNA due to:
Source of complementary dsRNA molecules used in the process of RNA interference could be: A: Viruses having RNA genomes B: Mobile genetic elements C: Viruses having DNA genomes
Choose the incorrect statement in context to RNA interference.
Bacillus thuringiensis produce toxic proteins capable of killing-
Inactive Bt toxins are converted into active form in a medium possessing pH:
The mobile genetic element is
DNA parts which can switch their positions are
In India, the organisation responsible or assessing the safety of introducing genetically modified organisms for public use is
How many documented varieties of Basmati rice are grown in India?
In 1997, an American company got patent rights on a ‘new variety’ of Basmati rice. How was this ‘new variety’ of Basmati formed?
RNA interference take place in:
Golden rice is enriched with:
The illegal use of bio-resources by multinational companies is termed as:
Activation of Bt protoxins takes place in:
In RNAi technique, a specific mRNA can be silenced using a complimentary:
Which of the following is used as vector to introduce disease causing nematode specific genes into a host plant?
Select the incorrect statement
Product of gene cry is
Statement A: The Bt toxin protein exist as inactive protoxins but once an insect ingest the inactive toxin, it is converted into an active form of toxin due to the alkaline pH of the gut which solubilise the crystals. Statement B: The activated toxin binds to the surface of midgut epithelial cells and create pores that cause cell swelling and lysis and eventually cause death of the insect.
What is true about Bt-toxin ?
Statement A: GEAC makes decisions regarding the validity of GM research and the safety of introducing GM-organisms for public services. Statement B: Biopiracy is the term used to refer to the use of bio-resources by multinational companies and other organisations without proper authorisation from the countries and people concerned without compensatory payment.
Which is incorrect among the following?
Choose the transgenic variety of a crop that substantially reduces post harvest losses.
Use of bioresources by multinational companies and organisations without authorisation from the concerned country and its people is called
Transgenic plants are the ones :
The RNA interference technique is used effectively to control the nematode
The main objective of production of herbicide-resistant GM crops is to
Which of the following statements are correct regarding the process of RNA interference? (i) RNAi has been used to prevent nematode infestation of tobacco plants. (ii) RNAi takes place in all eukaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defense. (iii) The method involves silencing of specific mRNA using a complementary dsDNA molecule that binds and prevents the translation of mRNA. (iv) Using retrovirus vectors, nematode-specific genes were introduced in the host plant.
Ti plasmid is found in
Three basic steps are required for making GMO are I. Identification of DNA with a desirable gene. II. Introduction of identified DNA into the host. III. Maintenance of introduced DNA in the host and transfer of the DNA to progeny. What is the correct sequence of involvement?
The poison of Bacillus thuringiensis is activated by
Mineral usage efficiency of plants can be A by genetic modification of plants, and thus the exhaustion of fertility of the soil is B
Cotton bollworms are controlled by certain proteins that are coded by
Which of the following organization is authorized for checking the validity of genetic research?
The protein products of the Bt toxin genes cryl Ac and cryll Ab are responsible for controlling
The source of complementary RNA required for RNA silencing is
Select the correct statement about about RNAi process. (a) It involves silencing of a specific mRNA (b) A cellular mechanism that uses the genes’ own DNA sequence to turn off mRNA expression. (c) It is a type of cellular defense.
Toxins produced by genes cryll Ab and cryI Ab control :
The activated Bt- toxin binds to the